Shennu Stream

Posted by on December 15, 2015
The Three Gorges area of the Yangtze River

The Three Gorges area of the Yangtze River

The scenery is like nothing I’ve ever witnessed . Mountain tops that are rounded with rocky outcrops on the peaks that look like figures standing and looking down at you. This is the scenic area called the Three Gorges. The cliffs are shrouded in mist because it’s still cloudy and a little foggy. It’s also dramatically warmer. We will get our only glimpse of sun this whole trip in this area. The water is calm and the most wonderful shade of jade green. I’m excited for today’s excursion which will take us on a small boat tour of the Shennu Stream. A small tributary of the Yangtze, this stream was previously much lower and not easily accessible but when the dam was built the stream became much deeper and now you can get much further into it.

We hop aboard small boats.

We hop aboard small boats.


It’s Boat #2 now!

Everyone moves toward the back of the boats where it’s outside, however, our captain soon informs us that the boat is going to capsize if some of us don’t move inside. Don obliges but I remain outside for a little while soaking up the scenery. After some time passes I return inside to allow for someone else to enjoy the view. This gives me the opportunity to listen to our local guide who is a 65 year old man who appears much younger. He tells us the secret to his vitality is the local tea which is made from the paintbrush-shaped trees he points out on the mountaintops. (I make it a point to purchase some of this tea and am drinking a cup while I write this post.)
He points out the various peaks by name and draws our particular attention to Wei Ren Peak which has a rock that looks like Chairman Mao on it.

Chairman Mao (the bump to the right of the peak)

Chairman Mao (the bump to the right of the peak)

Abandoned old fishing boat

Abandoned old fishing boat

Ancient burial caves that were looted during the Cultural Revolution

Ancient burial caves that were looted during the Cultural Revolution

It is breathtaking and soon we realize that what we are enjoying now will soon change dramatically. They are building a walkway that will allow buses to come deposit tourists on the other side of the cliffs and grant them foot access to what can now only be enjoyed by boat.

There goes the neighborhood!

There goes the neighborhood!

None the less, we get to enjoy this now and it more than makes up for having to breathe the air in Beijing for 3 days.
We return to our ship and in case you’re worried we are not having a good time between excursions here’s some of the activities we’ve attended: A lecture on traditional Chinese medicine by our ship’s doctor, Mah Jong lessons, Afternoon tea which transitions into Happy Hour! A lively bingo game where one of our ranks won the grand-prize pearl necklace, a shopping sale for silks and jewelry, a talent show performed by the crew & a talent show put on by the passengers (read: drunk French-Canadians), pinochle (we got an ass-kickin’) & a bridge tour with the captain and crew.

Bridge tour with our captain

Bridge tour with our captain

Mah Jong lessons

Mah Jong lessons

silk sale

silk sale

100 aces (which we never got while playing pinochle)

100 aces
(which we never got while playing pinochle)

Some Bus #2 members enjoy Chinese beer at Happy Hour

Some Bus #2 members enjoy Chinese beer at Happy Hour

Yep, life is good on the boat.

Next: Shibaozhai Pagoda

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