When your birthday just happens to be 9/11 celebrating becomes a touchy subject.

Photo courtesy of my sister.
For several years after the attack I couldn’t celebrate my birthday at all. My family was most gracious and either September 10th or 12th they would recognize it for me. As time passed I realized that the best way I could honor the memory of the event and myself was to feel alive. To truly appreciate with gratitude the fact that I’m still here and another year older. To assist me this year the universe aligned and we decided to celebrate by attending the Maryland Renaissance Festival and the Maryland Seafood Festival in one glorious weekend event!

Kicking off birthday weekend.
The RenFest (as we dorks like to call it) has become an annual Fall event. Becky, Kurt, Don & I decided to check it out one weekend with a trip to Annapolis 8 years ago and the rest is history. The past several years have brought my son Eric and his delightful group of friends as fellow attendees. This year was extra special as the Thiele offspring also graced us with their presence. This weekend happened to be Celtic Weekend. It was also predicted to be sweltering hot. Eric pondered how he could wear the least amount of clothing possible and still dress up. The answer: kilts. He has luckily inherited his Mother’s creative side and early Saturday morning a band of Celtic Warriors emerged from the Homewood Suites.
We arrived a half hour after gates opened and our traditional first stop is O’Shucks Oyster Bar (home of a free beer with each round of oyster shooters you order). A diversion occurred when Eric’s friend Jake decided to try blowing bubbles by dipping your hand into a soap solution and forming a circle with your fingers. Not as easy as the mimes make it look and a source of bawdy comments and hilarity for us.

Blow Jake, blow!
Destination achieved as we settle in at O’Shucks and begin our first round. We are awaiting the arrival of the Thiele kids who shortly thereafter join us when all of a sudden a beautiful princess floats onto the deck accompanied by her hunchbacked henchman. She stands directly in front of our table, bows to us and then recites: “Felicitations on the anniversary of your natal day, dear sister!” Don, Eric, Natalie, Becky and I are momentarily dumbstruck as the realization sets in that this is indeed my sister and brother-in-law! Dawn and Darren woke up at 4:00 am and drove from Long Island to Annapolis. There they dropped their suitcases and changed into costume. They proceeded to the Festival not realizing how big it is and how difficult a task it would be to find us and make their total surprise a success. My brother-in-law spots the oyster bar and recalls that we’ve told them we always have oysters and beer first thing in the morning so they head towards it. My sister then spots Eric and the boys.

Who couldn’t pick these guys out of a line up?
The odds of them actually pulling this off are about 10,000:1. So much has to actually line up perfectly for them to find us. Suppose we decided not to go at the last minute? I am elated and overwhelmed all at the same time which manifests as me screaming like a lunatic. They explain to us how the plot unfolded, we all rejoice and start planning out the day and evening festivities. They are impressed with the size and scope of Maryland’s Festival saying that New York’s is not half the size. They marvel that so many folks are in costume. Their fear was they would arrive and no one else would be dressed up. Not to fear here!

It’s not just us. My whole family is nuts.

Dawn’s face after realizing that she must remain in this hot, velvet dress the rest of the day. Good thing she did Shakespeare In The Park all those years!
We treated Dawn and Darren to all the Festival has to offer. Food, drink, entertainment and the usual debauchery.

The Joust!

Idiots throwing axes

Thieles with Turkey

Obligatory photo op

Celtic Hoard Photo Op
Sights that can only be witnessed at the RenFest.

I got ya turkey leg.

Maniac season pass holder who comes every day dressed as Spiderman and unsuccessfully tries to climb the rock wall.

I don’t even know
The time came when those of us who were more sane decided we needed showers, a meal of substance and a trip to the Maryland Live! Casino.
Becky, Dawn, Darren, Don, myself and Natalie left the Celtic Hoard to revel.
After worshiping at the one-armed bandits and leaving a donation we found Becky and dragged her away from the roulette table. We said our good byes to Darren & Dawn since they were planning on hitting the road early to return to New York. Not much surprises me anymore so their being able to pull one off on me certainly contributed to my ‘feeling alive’ and very loved this weekend. I thank them from the bottom of my heart.

Love them
We returned from the casino and found the Hoard in the hotel bar which was trying to close without incurring the wrath of the Hoard. They were coaxed away with the promise of more alcohol available in our suites. They came upstairs and eventually collapsed into bed. I can assure you that nothing is less pleasant than trying to arouse a hungover Hoard at 8:00 am when the fire alarm is ringing and the announcements are calling for an evacuation. You don’t realize how high 11 stories are until you have to descend them with the threat of the building being on fire!


Unhappy Hoard
(Note Jake still in kilt & barefooted)
The all clear sounded and since the Hoard was already awake they decided to go get breakfast. Soon after they departed to return to their clan to reclaim their pet wolf.

My Grand-dog, Nuka.
That left Becky, Don & I to check out and head for the Maryland Seafood Festival. We went last year for my birthday and so enjoyed it that we decided to return again this year. The site is Sandy Point Park in Annapolis in the shadow of the Bay Bridge. A finer selection of seafood offerings, drinks, music, craft vendors, kid’s activities and water sports you’d be hard pressed to find. Thankfully, the day was cooler than when we were at the RenFest.

On the beach

Me & Becky
Each round of eating allowed us to sit down with a new group of people who just were there to enjoy the day. Our batteries certainly were recharged by connecting with our fellow humans getting to dialogue outside in the air next to the water. When we had finally had our fill it was time to head home. Fortunately, the stars continued to align for us as we crossed the Woodrow Wilson Bridge, navigated the beltway and cruised down I-66 without incident. We returned home to find that Darren had done an excellent job keeping the house in order and Damian well cared for over the weekend. The night was topped off when I received phone calls from the elder Russo sons wishing me more ‘felicitations on the anniversary of my natal day’.
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