In keeping with our typical luck (read: “bad” or “no”) the esteemed ruler of Thailand has died less than one month before we embark on our next epic adventure. The longest sitting monarch in the world completed his 70 year rule on October 13, 2016. The country officially entered a month long period of mourning and the unpopular playboy who is the Crown Prince will be the successor to the beloved King. I have been assured by my travel agent that there have been no changes to our itinerary.
I just hope the military junta that controls the country do not decide to make any changes to our itinerary. I’m practicing my “wai” just in case.
I am also rethinking my wardrobe choices as I understand even the famous Thai sex-trade workers are walking the streets in black. Black is the new orange in Thailand this season.
It would be a shame to cancel our plans at the eleventh hour. Especially since we have already gotten our hepatitis A vaccinations and the lovely 5 day typhoid series. Don asked, “Why didn’t you tell me I would have to go through all of this? I would’ve never agreed to this!” (That is why I did not tell you.)
This weekend I ate nothing but Thai food to prep my gut for the week of street food in which I plan to indulge.
Today my gut is also asking me to reconsider.
To appease Don after all of his inoculations were completed I booked him an excursion to see the famous place where the Bridge on the River Kwai was filmed. I even sprang for the additional death-march for him. Aren’t I a great wife?
To allow him to fully immerse himself in the POW experience, I will be shopping at the floating market while he is digging latrines in the jungle.
In case he has any energy left upon his return from the jungle, I took the liberty of entering him in a local Muy Thai fight.
Of course I wouldn’t want to have him lose face in front of me by getting his ass kicked from some little Thai guy so I will be getting a Sak Yant (tattoo with bamboo) instead of subjecting him to humiliation. I am the best wife ever.

(image by
Besides, what kind of adventure doesn’t involve some life-threatening experiences? The Thai flag is red, white and blue. I take that as a good sign.