Despite the 6 inches of snow right before we left and the winter weather advisory we returned to it was Spring Break for us last week. Several destinations were entertained but consideration was given to visiting my in-laws in Central Florida. Airfare prices were absurd due to it being Spring Break so we returned to our origins as road trippers. Unforturnately, old bones don’t sit well in cars anymore and the days of the 11 hour marathons are over. Our compromise was to include brief interludes coming and going at some of our favorite destinations. We were able to secure a great rate on a rental car through our travel rewards program so after work on Friday we set off for our first stop – Charleston, SC.

Across from our hotel.
While driving past snowy fields in my neighborhood to continue down I-95 I was rethinking my packing wardrobe choices of shorts, capris and flimsy blouses. Although the further south we headed the more I started to see some signs of Spring. We encountered some budding trees and forsythia blooms but it was the azaleas and palm trees in South Carolina that finally warmed my heart. I can’t get enough of the Low Country and apparently many others felt the same way as I that weekend. Charleston was hopping! Unbeknownst to us, The Citadel Cadets were holding their “break out”, a battleship was being commissioned, every fraternity and sorority south of the Mason-Dixon Line were staying in our hotel plus several weddings and there were no less than 25 bachelorette and bachelor parties trolling through town.

Breakout for The Citadel Cadets

The Historic District
We pounded a lot of pavement before sitting down to a late dinner of Thai food. It was a random but good choice of a restaurant because I couldn’t get a reservation via my Open Table app due to the crowds. It became cooler as the sun went down but still much warmer than Linden, Virginia.

The Pineapple Fountain – my favorite.

The Night Markets

Riverfront Park at Dusk
We packed a lot into that day at Charleston because the weather forecast was calling for rain the next 2 days. As promised, we awoke to dismal skies, ate breakfast then waited for our car to be brought around amidst the throngs of hung over college kids who were also checking out. Our next stop was Daytona Beach, FL. Don’s sister and brother in-law reside 2 blocks back from the oceanfront and although we knew the weather would also be bad there we were looking forward to just catching up with Brenda & Danny. The ride down was uneventful. We did stop at a strange little place called, “Georgia’s Peach World” for some local delicacies. This place was being touted by billboards for like 100 miles along the South Carolina and Georgia border area. When we left the highway and pulled into it’s parking lot it was not quite what we expected to see.

We stopped for this?
Despite it’s horrifying outward appearance we found that inside it was a treasure trove of peach & pecan related goodness. It was staffed with no less than 6 extremely friendly folks who couldn’t wait to provide you with samples of their wares. I can only imagine how much better it must be in actual peach season. We exited with several bags full of salsas, jams, teas and pecan products.
Daytona was dreary but sunshine was provided by the hospitality of Brenda and Dan. When we returned to their home after dinner out we were up until 2:00 a.m. just chatting away. We did venture down to the beach in the morning for a little metal detecting but the rain and chill put a quick stop to it.

Dan teaching Damian how to hunt for treasure. (We found none.)
We said our goodbyes to the Bensons and continued south toward the Orlando area and the promise of sunny skies and warmer temperatures. Although I did get to break out my shorts finally there was a steady breeze blowing each day we were there which kept it on the cool side. My in-laws, Bill & RoseMarie Volpone (Masters of the Universe) said that the temperatures of late had been unseasonable. (The story of my life will be titled: Unseasonable Temperatures) It did not keep us from seeking sunrays in the Sunshine State.

The gang at Kissimmee Lakefront Park

Soaking up some sunshine

Gator watching at Lake Toho
We did take in the film Darkest Hour while visiting the folks. Gary Oldman was brilliant as Churchill and eventhough it wasn’t an action adventure film it received high marks from Damian. His knowledge of many of the events depicted in World War II was surprising to me. He said they have been studying it in history and he plays a lot of video games set during the war. I guess he’s learning something with all those hours he wastes.
This trip we agreed to bypass Savannah for once (a hard thing for me to do) and detour it to Hilton Head. As far as east coast beach resorts go, this is my favorite. While I would not like to live on the island itself, the surrounding areas like Bluffton and Beaufort are getting a hard look as possible retirement destinations. Our hotel was situated an easy walk to the beach as well as being in close proximity to numerous shopping and dining options. The weather was still on the cool side but there was abundant sunshine.

Water not as cold as expected.

We’re sexy & we know it.

Life is good.

Thought we found my bff Becky & her Willow on the beach.
While I could have easily spent another week at Hilton Head we needed to plod on because our crowning glory event for the week was almost upon us. As a Christmas present this year our son Eric bought us tickets to the event know as Awesome Con which we were to attend with him & Natalie. What is Awesome Con you ask? (Go ahead, I did.) I guess it can best be described as a convention that has something for every type of Geek and Nerd out there. (I say this will all due respects to you Geeks and Nerds, my son included.) We hit the abominable traffic on I-95 in Virginia and crawled up from Fredericksburg to connect with the Fairfax County Parkway. After returning the rental car to the Dulles Airport we hooked up with Eric & Natalie and headed off to a wine & beer tasting then back to the house where Eric gave us the joy of sampling some of the best Roman-style pizza I’ve ever tasted. All entirely home made by him.

Another cool & local fnd in southern VA on a peanut farm.

North or south, 95 makes me want to punch someone in the mouth.

My usual enthusiastic reception from Nuka.

He gets his chef skills from his father.

We settle down for the night after being totally stuffed with pizza. In the morning, we are treated to Eric’s omlet making skills which are also extraordinary. I guess that time spent as a short order cook at Whole Foods paid off. Now, it’s off to Awesome Con!

Awesome Con official guide
Nerd Central is at the Convention Center in Washington D.C. There’s a huge line that wraps around the building full of many, shall we say, festively attired fans. Mind you the place has already been open for hours. As we are winding our way to line’s end someone official looking herds us separately and scurries us off to a different entrance where we just walk right inside. We don’t look a gift geek in the mouth so we go pick up our badges and head for the merchandise floor.

Vendors & Artists galore.
There’s honestly so much going on that it’s almost overwhelming: comics, graphic novels, collectibles, games, art, cosplay, autograph signings, gaming tournaments, costume contests & discussion panels and on and on . . .

One of the minor costume contests

Natalie with her weeping angel Christmas tree topper
(something to do with Dr Who I am told)

Encountering stand up wizardry.

Something to do with a video game called Overwatch.
Eric had sent me the itinerary way in advance and asked me which panels I would be interested in attending (😂) so I told him to surprise me. He selected one that he and Natalie have attended the past 2 years which involved some guy who had been in Dr. Who and a show called Arrow which is based on some comic book character (neither show have I ever seen). Eric said the guy was hilarious so sure, let’s go.

Theatre Legend: John Barrowman – an Awesome Con regular
It turns out the nerd I am expecting to see is West End Theatre Legend John Barrowman. I can attest not one question directed to him had anything to do with his theatre creds. It was all Dr Who & Arrow. He is an admittedly huge Star Wars Geek himself and came out with a cast of Star Wars dressed characters and he himself was a drag Princess Leia. He was FABULOUS, hilarious, inappropriate, singing and dancing – a true star. He made the day worthwhile for me and as his panel was the last thing we did at Awesome Con, it ended on a truly high note. (Of course I did have some ‘splainin’ to do with Damian as this was his first gay drag show – yes, we will be on the ballot again for Grandparents of the Year so vote early and often.) In all honesty, I did not know who John Barrowman was but while telling this story to my sister, Dawn (the Queen of Theatre Geeks) she said, “You don’t mean John Barrowman from the West End do you?” She then sent me a video clip of him doing Sondheim and I said, “Yup, that’s the guy.” To which she told me that she’s seen him perform. I told her I knew he had to have some type of musical theatre background by the way he sang and danced. She was amazed that he had been in TV shows which only goes to prove “to each Nerd his or her Nerdom”.

Dawn who is spending Spring Break in Aruba instead of at a Nerd Convention.