When we left off yesterday all my efforts to select the most perfect campsite ever were thwarted by our moving into the site adjacent to the only other campers in our area. The children immediately descended upon us (all 6 of them) and an 8 yr old boy approached Damian & inquired of him, “Izzat yo Daddy?” while pointing at Matthew. Damian replied in the affirmative to which the child’s response was, “How?” Being thoroughly confused by this new inquiry Damian responded in the local vernacular of our new neighborhood by saying, “Huh?” EZ then informed Damian, “He’s not my Daddy but sometimes I calls him Daddy. Sometimes I calls him Jim.” So, as you can imagine this was not The Brady Bunch we were dealing with here. “Daddy” Jim then bellowed out, “Leave them folks alone EZ, they gots lots to git through afore nightfall!” When EZ failed to heed the warning he was then informed that if he did not mind what he was told he would have his ears pulled off his head. Not wanting to be responsible for any earlessness going on here we suggested that Damian and EZ go play in the lake together to which they happily obliged.
Steve sees no reason for anyone to leave the comfort of their air-conditioned, high speed Internet connected home for the bug infested, hot, humid confines of the lake. Hence, he chose to remain home and told Kim to tell us he said, “Hello” and “See you at the beach house next month.”
Fearful that this is what I would have to put up with all weekend, I was relieved to hear that the next morning our neighbors would be pulling up stakes. (Later, one of the kids told Damian that they lived here now and would be going to the other side of the lake tomorrow. Sadly, I did not doubt this for one second) None the less, I was eagerly anticipating the arrival of my other grand kids tomorrow. My oldest son and his family live about an hour away and Kim was planning on bringing the kids down to join us in some lake frolic. My son does not share our passion for action and adventure, unless we are talking virtual action and adventure, of which he is a master.

Damian thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful day at the lake and since he had age appropriate companions, that meant we did not have to amuse and entertain him. Fortunately, our neighbors bedded down early. (“Y’all been up since six o’clock thiz mornin’ so git to sleep!”) We spent the evening sitting around the campfire & making s’mores while enjoying the sunset and rising moon. Damian and Matt retreated to the tent around 10:30 pm (to play video games,sigh). That left time for Don & I to take a nice moonlit walk around the campgrounds. Don decided to grab his phone first, which was charging in the car. Unfortunately, he let it charge a little too long because now our car battery was dead. This meant we got to meet the campground hosts, a lovely local couple who spend one month each summer in their RV on a campsite provided by the recreation area. In exchange, they patrol the campgrounds in their golf cart making sure all’s well.
(Damian enjoying the campfire & Don jump starting the car)
The loveliness of the moon on the first day of Summer capped off a stellar day and tomorrow I was going to get to see all my grand kids together!