So you ask yourself why have I decided to take a western sojourn to look at what amounts to a bunch of rocks? Well, it’s really about my anniversary. Today is my 35th wedding anniversary. I was 19 yrs old when Mr. Russo and I tied the knot.
We are from very different planets, Mr. Russo and I. Mars & Venus, if you will. I love musical theater. Mr. Russo recognizes 2 types of music: Country & Western. I like to stroll art galleries and antique shops. Mr. Russo likes to watch TV and old movies. I am a Redskins fan and he roots for the Cowboys. You get the drift. On the surface, we don’t share a lot of common ground.
What we do share is a deep and abiding love and respect for each other that has been forged from the fires we have been putting out together over 35 years. We respect each others differences and do share some deep core values: family as a top priority, allowing each other to pursue passions and careers that make us happy even if it means some sacrifice.We experience joy ourselves when the other is happy.
Don LOVES old Westerns. This is the reason he is a Cowboys fan. All his childhood heroes were cowboys. John Wayne is a deity in my house. Many old western movies were filmed in the setting we will be seeing out west. I can’t wait to see how excited Don will be when he walks on that hallowed ground! Happy Anniversary, Honey.
OK, let’s go. Day 1: Baltimore to Las Vegas (about 2100 miles)
We watched the Redskins blow it in a bar called the Greene Turtle at BWI with some cool folks and a really funny waitress named Dawn. We boarded a puddle jumper to Cleveland and discovered we weren’t sitting together. The flight was overbooked so they were looking to give $200 travel vouchers if you would take a later flight. As tempting as it was, we wouldn’t be getting into Vegas until after 10pm anyway so we passed on that offer. The 4 hour hop from Cleveland was on a “normal” sized plane & aside from the fact that we weren’t sitting together again the flight was uneventful.
As we drove down the strip on a fairly quiet Sunday night, The fountain show at the Bellagio was in full swing.

We headed down to our overnight at Circus Circus (which is actually a metaphor for my life). We were already tired and didn’t want to trek back outside to the outbuildings they were planning on sticking us in so the lovely Mary Alice at the reception desk upgraded us to the main building. We dumped our luggage and headed to the casino for a little slot action.
I was on a roll and was ahead $6.00 when Don decided I needed to go home a winner (kill joy).

May I add that Circus Circus is perhaps the cheesiest hotel on the strip. I am not 100% sure since this is my first Vegas trip but I am a betting woman and I would put some money on that.
Now my body believes it is 5 a.m. and I am going to experience some ass-kicking jet lag in another few hours when I have to get up and drive to our next destination, Zion Canyon. Good night.