We are Susan & Don Russo, citizens of the world! Nomadic souls who were meant to explore the far reaches of the globe. Unfortunately, we can’t get the kids & dogs to leave home. We also have jobs (at least for now) and a huge mortgage. Undeterred, we plod onward eeking out extraordinary travel and dining adventures when and where we can find them. Our road trip ideas spawn from inspiration and perspiration. We always look for a good deal. Sometimes we go big (China in Novemeber ’15) and eventually we go home.
What? You’re idea of a fine dining experience isn’t a ‘dip dog’?
It’s OK, we do upscale too.
Usually, our wanderings lead to some entertaining experiences.
So get in the back seat and take a bite!
You’ll be hungry for more of us.
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Carmageddon: Passing through miracles.