River Rats

Posted by on April 20, 2014

DSCN0249The morning was cool and grey. It was still dreary and raining a fine spritz. We grabbed some breakfast and then had to make the decision: do we just go to the gym & pool or do we try to head down to the River Walk? Seeing that it might be some time before Matt & Damian get the opportunity to visit Savannah again, we decide to give it a shot.

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 We pulled out the panchos and joined a small number of brave souls at the waterfront. Then it started to pour again. We had passed an area of antique shops so we headed over there.

I bought these cool spools that were salvaged from a local factory. They have been spattered with dyes through the years and have an amazing patina. I plan to use them as plant stands in the garden. The cashier said, “What are you planning to do with these?” When I explained, she looked astonished and said, “What a great idea!” I expect next time to see a display with potted plants on top of them. Don bought a cool old Navy belt buckle with different types of ships on it.


When we emerged from the shops, the rain had stopped. We headed for the river.

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The place started filling up pretty quickly as all the tourists who were unable to get there yesterday due to the torrential rains descended.

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DSCN0253One thing about Savannah, they let you drink in the street as long as it’s in a cup. It’s funny seeing people chugging beer from a cup at 10 a.m. just because they can. We headed off to Don’s favorite oyster bar. Bernie’s Oyster Bar is located in a pre-Civil War building on the ground floor. It’s dark and dank and people sign their names all over the walls in chalk. They serve good oysters and did I mention it’s haunted? Finally, we decided to head out after lunch and make the trek to Raleigh.


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