Savannah Time

Posted by on April 19, 2014

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I neglected to mention the absolutely fascinating phenomenon that we witnessed while at Aquatica the other day. I looked up at the sky and there was a cloud around the sun that had a circumferential rainbow. I have never seen anything like it before. The fact that it was relatively early in the morning when I witnessed it and there were few people around made me concerned. I thought it might be The Rapture and I wanted to know why the heck I was still here??? I was reassured by Don that it wasn’t The Rapture (although the fact that he was by my side still was more evidence that I was “left behind”). We googled it and discovered that it had to do with ice crystals in the atmosphere (or some crap like that). Apparently, it was visible all up the east coast. Pretty crazy.

Anyway, back to our story. Today our plan was to leave Villa Volpone in Florida and head for Savannah, Georgia. Don & I have been to Savannah several times and I find it a thoroughly enjoyable place.

Yeah, I know.

Yeah, I know.


Anyway, we were planning to spend the evening on River Street. It’s usually a very festive place. Don was drooling for oysters and we were excited to show Matt & Damian the steamboats, fireworks, street performers & shops. Then my sister-in-law, Brenda, called to inform us of the storm that was approaching and planning to submerge our section of the east coastline. So, we bid farewell to Bill & Rose Marie (Masters of the Universe) and hit the road.

Once again we encountered a solid wall of traffic but this time with the added enhancement of relentless rain. Oh Joy. We did have some diversion. One of our friends who was also doing Spring Break in Florida came to meet us and have lunch. It was fun to catch up and a nice break from the traffic jam. In retrospect, the choice of Mexican food when you will be confined in a car for hours with other humans was probably not wise.


Our hopes for having a hot time in the old town were fading fast. The National Weather Service was predicting a 100% chance of rain in Savannah tonight with 2-3 inches possible. We decided to cancel our reservation at the crappy motel we had figured we would come to late and leave early, instead, upgrading to a nice place with a suite, heated indoor pool, spa and exercise room. Performing these tasks in the car via phone apps enabled us to pass some of the time. What else did I do to amuse myself during this seemingly unending trip? Well, I polished my toes. (Not an easy task in a moving vehicle. Try it.)


I also reset the ringtones in my phone to personalize them with my family.







I ate candy.







I fussed over the orchids I bought.


I sent pins to friends.








Generally speaking, I amused and entertained myself. Finally, we arrived in Savannah. The rain still fell. We checked into our hotel and decided to break out the rain gear and brave the elements. Don called his favorite oyster joint, which is located in a haunted building, and to his dismay they did not have sufficient oysters tonight to offer their “go shuck yourself bucket o’ oysters”. As far as he was concerned, there was no point going to the waterfront tonight. Instead, we opted for some Subway sandwiches and a swim.

We are hoping to make a detour to the river walk tomorrow, weather permitting, before heading on to Raleigh, NC and Easter with Steven & family.


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